"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they're gifts given to help you discover who you are."

Monday, September 17, 2012

Caution: Gross content ahead

Can't remember how much of this I've shared, but I continue to have some issues with rectal bleeding. So I've become convinced by my intensive medical research (Google) that I now have colorectal cancer.  Or at least that seems to be a seed planted in my brain that has sprouted and is growing like a weed.

I can hear you, meager reading audience o' mine...you're thinking "why in the hell doesn't she go to a real doctor?" And the answer is...I have mentioned this several times to my oncologist at my regular PAP smearing checkups and it never seems to be a cause for alarm; simply gets dismissed as a hangover from radiation.  If that's the case, it might be the longest hangover of my life.

Hoping that the next PET scan can put this recurring nag out of my brain forever.


  1. Dee, I'm about to start the internal radiation tomorrow. I just read your blog in January. Do you mean to say there weren't any symptoms at all from it? My external treatments were just hellacious! And yes I am out here hanging on every word you type.

  2. No worries; the brachytherapy is an odd experience but not entirely horrible, and I think it's the single most effective part of the treatment plan. You will make it through and be glad to put this all behind you!
    Re: side effects--it was hard for me to say how much of my gastrointestinal issues were from the external vs. internal beam radiation. Suffice to say I don't think your diarrhea issues are over just yet. Hang in there!

  3. I, too, depend on Dr. Google more than I should. If there is one major thing I've learned over the course of 63 months with cancer is that you often have to know the right questions to ask in order to get answers. And, the internet is chock full of quality information that can help patients prepare their questions.
