Shortly after I whined about feeling alone, my extended family (my wonderful sisters, beautiful nieces, favorite nephew and family, my mom and dad, etc) surprised me by showing up at my door on a holiday weekend--snacks, beverages and lunch in hand. I was so happy to see them all, I quickly forgave them for the lack of warning (they knew I would cook and clean had I known they were coming). Many of them drove 4+ hours one way and back that day; what a gift.
I've made a conscious decision to stop comparing my story to other cancer stories on the distorted world of the internet. Duh. What was I thinking?
Many other good things going on around me as well:
- My little great nephew (son of #1 nephew above) came out of chemo for medulloblastoma with a clear scan, after an initial terrifying read. So happy for them! What a horrible road for a young family.
- My teenager is now legal to drive, and has hit the road. Scary, but less hauling her around for me. And I'm so grateful for every milestone I get to participate in.
- The hubby may finally be able to walk again soon, finally! after a long period of healing a broken leg. Looking forward to having him mobile again :)
- My latest scan came back with reduced SUV numbers/activity levels with no spread to other areas. So even thought I felt like crap and was sure the cancer was all over in my back and stomach, turns out I'm not dying anytime soon.
- Bad news is that current chemo routine continues. Suck.
- Summer has finally come to the midwest. The skies are a beautiful shade of blue with a brilliant white fluffy contrast. It's warm and wonderful after a ridiculously ugly winter. I'm grilling pork chops and eating watermelon and root beer floats. Life is good!