"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they're gifts given to help you discover who you are."

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pooping problems

So almost six months after I had completed radiation, I started having "rectal issues".  Not sure how much detail to get in here because it's downright gross.  But then again I'm starting to wonder if anyone is even reading this damn blog, so what the hell.
It started with blasting diarrhea.  Just happened to be a day after we had gone out for pizza, so at first I thought maybe it was food poisoning, or simply intolerance to whatever junk I had consumed.
But it persisted longer than any food borne cause normally does.  The blasting craps part has largely subsided, probably because I've learned to be cautious about what I eat and drink. Since you probably don't know me, let me just say that I am/was a "foodie".  Love to cook, love to eat.  I'm pretty good at both. Love to entertain, aka feed people.  So sadly, this has put a slight crimp in my style but maybe it will be good for me long term. It's not that I was eating garbage.  It's actually some pretty good stuff I can no longer tolerate.  Salsa, chili, spaghetti sauce, anything tomatoey or spicey. Coffee, red wine, beer.  Sadly. Gradually, I've just learned to adjust what goes in so as to manage what comes out. So the blasters have been replaced by er...let's just call it "urgency".  Regardless of where I go, I am mindful of where the bathrooms are.  All accompanied by rectal bleeding. It just doesn't get any better than this....
The oncologist diagnosed it as "radiation proctitis" and recommended a colonoscopy to insure there were no cancerous polyps. So off to the gastroenterologist.  Quite the experience.  It's like an assembly line of people who have signed up to allow someone shove a probe up their ass.  Wow, what a crock of crap--no pun intended.  The jackass didn't even bother to say much...except "yep, you have some fizzures here...gonna zap them with this argon gas treatment". Oh my God.  Painful, ridiculously painful. For hours and hours.  After starving myself for days getting ready for the damn colonoscopy, I had planned to go out to eat afterward; instead I came home and went to bed.  The cramps were awful for at least 3 days.  I was more pissed than anything.  Have I mentioned I hate doctors?  
That's a cleaned up and abbreviated version of the pooping issues.  It's all I've got for tonight.  If you are still reading this, I promise this will be the last post dealing with crapping and/or rectal bleeding.  With so many other entertainment choices out there, well.....I have to do better to retain an audience.
Suffice to say that if you've had radiation to the pelvis, this is just one more thing to look forward to.

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