"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they're gifts given to help you discover who you are."

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Here we go again

This week brought with it a visit to a new gynecologic cancer clinic --this time at the U of M.  After my last, somewhat confrontational appt with my own oncologist, she encouraged me to get a second opinion at the Mayo or at the U to "satisfy myself and/or my family that there aren't options we're not pursuing".  I didn't bother to remind her that I had already been to the Mayo....shouldn't she know this?
So I forced myself to march into yet another medical setting and start over with my story
(in 3 minutes or less) with a medical resident who would in turn relate it to the doctor (in 2 minutes or less), only to have both of them return to the room and basically ask me why I was there.  What questions did I have for them? Uh, gee--well, can you do SOMETHING to save my life?  What about pelvic exenteration?  No?  Well ok then, how about just removing the damn "source area"?  If you can remove a cervix, why not the vaginal cuff?  No?  Well, ok then, how about more precise radiation?  No?  Can you do some kind of dance to the warrior gods that will make this little problem I have go away?  No? Ok, well how about you just kick me in the teeth and tell me to go home and die? OK, sure.  On my way out, the good doc looked at me with this overwhelming look of PITY and told me to have a good day.  None for me, thanks.
In all fairness, he seemed like a nice enough guy....actually answered all my questions in English as opposed to medi-speak. Explained how the body "remembers" radiation, so it's not like starting over, it's cumulative--and the pelvic tissue can only take so much before the damage itself becomes life threatening to other organs. Explained that there was reason for optimism re: length of life in that I had a relatively long period of time before recurrence. Explained how no oncologist would recommend surgery that wasn't going to HEAL the patient. And I am beyond healing. Maybe if I hear it enough times, from enough different doctors, it will eventually sink in.

It made me wonder if they often have to deal with desperate people, such as myself...not really ready to die, not really able to grasp or accept the facts because I feel perfectly healthy, excepting some chemo side effects occasionally kicking my ass.
Speaking of which, my upper lip has decided to randomly swell up to the size of a basketball.  Interesting the weird impact of chemo drugs on the body's immune system.  I very closely resemble Daffy Duck. We've named it The Duck Bill. Funny, although it's hard to breathe with your upper lip blocking your nostrils. Nothing more steroids can't resolve... but I digress.

I feel somewhat helpless. I want to find people in my same situation, but I don't know where to find them.  I wonder if there are others in this same state of limbo, trying to figure out how to deal with the terminal diagnosis while still living a "normal" life.

I also feel strangely vulnerable, which I hate. I want to go back to being strong and independent, not sucked into this medical vortex of insecurity that I never wanted to be a part of.  Fucking cancer.


  1. FUCKING CANCER !!!!!!! fuck, fuck, fucking cancer! I'm not where you are but I too am mad at my cancer. I feel defeated by my cancer. I'm miserable. I too feel strangely vulnerable. I've got nothing uplifting to say but I wanted you to know I am here.

  2. Your comments are uplifting GM; thanks for stopping by. Peace and healing to you--take care of yourself.


  3. OMG!! I am so sorry to hear all of this Dee. This just truly sucks. So they won't do the pelvic exenteration b/c of distant mets? We'll keep our fingers crossed they will find a new chemo to melt the bastards out of you!!! Hang in there!!! I'm good, just passed my 2 yr mark since the dx.

  4. Yep Babe, apparently I'm not a candidate for anything other than chemo for the rest of my life. Once she's in the liver, she's got ya by the balls. But you're right in that I can hope for some a new drug to come along~at least to "extend life". I'm glad you're doing well; and as always thanks for your comments!

  5. Hi Dee, I was checking a few of your posts and just wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts and my prayers are with you. I had a quick question about your blog and was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance -emilywalsh688 (at) gmail.com- Thanks : )


  6. The Nature of Cancer. Cancer occurs when cellular iron overload affects DNA, chromosomes and organelles of the cell. Cellular iron overload creates cancer's genetic chaos. Precancers and cancers start with iron-induced changes in one cell or a small group of cells. Malignant transformation is the process by which cells acquire cellular iron overload. Some people are born with abnormal iron metabolism that they inherited from their mother or father. Most researchers continue to view cancer as a form of genetic lottery; cancer is the result of an accumulation of a large number of individual genetic mutations. Iron overload is a condition where excessive iron accumulates in the organs and tissues from a wide variety of causes. It can be inherited from parents or it can be acquired during life. Cancer is a form of iron lottery. Cancer affects persons who have excessive iron deposits within the tissues and organs. The Father of Oncology (Vadim Shapoval) says that a cell needs to have iron overload (when excessive iron accumulates within cellular organelles) before it becomes cancerous. Cancer cells are iron-rich (iron-saturated, iron-overloaded) cells. Cancer is always caused by iron-related genes (genes involved in iron metabolism) and iron-related events (when excessive iron accumulates within the cells, tissues, and organs due to various carcinogenic events). The number of cancer cases and deaths worldwide will nearly double by 2030? Anti-iron drugs and methods will successfully beat cancers. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/opinions/177586 ; http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/opinions/177506 ; http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/opinions/177452 ; http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/opinions/177370 ; http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/opinions/177299 ; https://plus.google.com/107119198688120551734/posts ; https://plus.google.com/107119198688120551734/posts/1hquWe6Lj9d ; http://galacticconnection.com/father-oncology-vadim-shapoval-says-cell-needs-iron-overload-becomes-cancerous/ ; http://healthland.time.com/2013/04/01/the-conspiracy-to-end-cancer/ ; http://www.ovarian-cancer-facts.com/what-is-cancer.html ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2ETte7FQlM ; http://whatkindofcancer.blogspot.com/ ; Together We (Medical News Today, Galactic Connection, Ovarian Cancer Facts, News-Medical.Net, TIME, Google, YouTube, YAHOO!, Facebook and Vadim Shapoval) Will Beat Cancer

  7. Get over it, dude
